Dr. Harald Haelterman (°1972) is a criminologist and crime risk management professional with extensive international experience in managing security, ethics and compliance. He holds a Bachelor's Degree, a Master's Degree and a Ph.D. in Criminology (Ghent University, Belgium), a Master of Science Degree in Security and Crime Risk Management (Leicester University, United Kingdom) and a Certificate of Higher Education in Philosophy (KU Leuven, Belgium). He further specialized at the Free University of Brussels, Antwerp University, University College London and Delft University of Technology. He is a former research fellow at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and Information Technology (KU Leuven) and a former guest lecturer at the Free University of Brussels and the University of Antwerp Management School. Since 2006 he has been an associate member of the Faculty of Law and Criminology at Ghent University, alternately as an Academic Advisor, Postdoctoral Researcher and Visiting Professor, and in 2017 he was appointed Visiting Professor at the Law Faculty of KU Leuven. He started his professional career as a Corporate Investigator and Crime Risk Management Consultant, providing investigative and consultancy services to a variety of multinationals and industry sectors. In 2002 he joined TNT Express where he held various (senior) management positions in security and compliance prior to being appointed Global Head of Business Ethics and Investigations. Following the acquisition of TNT by FedEx Corporation he became a Manager Legal Compliance and Integrity for FedEx Express Europe. He further served as an independent expert for the European Commission Research Executive Agency and as a chairman of the European Express Association Security Committee, representing the express cargo industry in stakeholder meetings and working groups with European institutions and a range of international regulatory bodies. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner, lectured and published extensively and has been participating in a wide range of international studies, projects and expert groups. His current research interests include situational crime prevention, crime against business, compliance management and modus operandi research.
- Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Economics of Cybersecurity: Users and Attackers Online (Short) Course (2025)
- University College London Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science, Crime Analysis (Short) Course (2016)
- Ghent University Faculty of Law, Ph.D. in Criminology (2005-2012)
- University of Antwerp Management School, Strategy and Transport Management (2004-2005)
- Catholic University of Leuven Higher Institute of Philosophy, Philosophical Academy (2001-2005)
- Leicester University Faculty of Social Sciences, Master of Science in Security and Crime Risk Management (2000-2003)
- Leicester University Faculty of Social Sciences, Postgraduate Diploma in Security and Crime Risk Management (1998-2000)
- University of Antwerp Faculty of Law, Labour Law (1997-1998)
- Free University of Brussels Faculty of Law, ICT Law (1996-1997)
- Ghent University Faculty of Law, Master of Science ('Licentiaat') in Criminology (1993-1995)
- Ghent University Faculty of Law, Bachelor of Science ('Kandidaat') in Criminology (1991-1993)
- IKSO Denderleeuw, Mathematics (1987-1990)
- Heilig Kruiscollege Denderleeuw, Latin/Greec (1984-1987)
- Certified Fraud Examiner - ACFE (2022)
- Registered Forensic Auditor - IFA (2006-N-A0063 / inactive)
Training (attended)
- Data Analytics Workshop Part Two, PwC & Federal Express Corporation - Online training (2024)
- Data Analytics Workshop Part One, PwC & Federal Express Corporation - Online training (2023)
- CFE Prep Course, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners - Self study (2021-2022)
- Culture Immersion Training, FedEx Express International, Dordrecht - The Netherlands (2019)
- Managing (Long Term) Illness Training, FedEx Express International, Amsterdam - The Netherlands (2019)
- Quality Driven Management (Apprentice Level) Training, FedEx Corporation, Orlando (Florida) - United States (2018)
- Leading in Transition Workshop, FedEx Express International, Amsterdam - The Netherlands (2018)
- Basic Training Microsoft Excel, TNT Express, Rotterdam - The Netherlands (2014)
- Air Cargo Security Advisor Refresher Training, SecuConsult - The Netherlands (2013)
- Anti-Bribery, Corruption and Fraud Training, Euromoney Legal Training, London - United Kingdom (2013)
- RAKC ACC3 Module Training, European Commission, Brussels - Belgium (2012)
- Finance for Non-financial Managers Training, TNT Express, Brussels - Belgium (2012)
- Export Controls Management Training, TNT Learning Centre, Brussels - Belgium (2011)
- Air Cargo Security Advisor Refresher Training, SecuConsult - The Netherlands (2011)
- 'EU Decision-making and Comitology', European Training Institute, Brussels - Belgium (2011)
- Refresher Training for Private Investigators, Belgian Ministry of the Interior, Brussels - Belgium (2011)
- 'How to hold a meeting with an MEP' Training, Fleishman-Hillard, Brussels - Belgium (2010)
- Air Cargo Security Advisor Refresher Training, SecuConsult - The Netherlands (2010)
- Doctoral School Law and Economics, Ghent University - Belgium (2009)
- Air Cargo Security Advisor Refresher Training, SecuConsult - The Netherlands (2009)
- Air Cargo Security Advisor Refresher Training, SecuConsult - The Netherlands (2008)
- 'Motivatietraining', TNT Management Training Institute & MVnP, Driebergen - The Netherlands (2007)
- 'Coachend leidinggeven', TNT Management Training Institute & LTP, Zeist - The Netherlands (2007)
- Air Cargo Security Advisor Refresher Training, SecuConsult - The Netherlands (2007)
- Refresher Training for Private Investigators, Belgian Ministry of the Interior, Brussels - Belgium (2006)
- Middle Management Strategy Training, Antwerp University Management School, Antwerp - Belgium (2006)
- Advanced Fraud Detection and Investigation Workshop, Kroll / Michael Comer, Hertfordshire - United Kingdom (2006)
- 'Verzuim en Reïntegratie', TNT Management Training Institute, Houten - The Netherlands (2005)
- Finance for Non-financial Managers Training, TNT Management Training Institute, Houten - The Netherlands (2005)
- Dangerous Goods Awareness Training, TNT Express, Brussels - Belgium (2005)
- 'Competentiegericht beoordelen', TNT Management Training Institute, Houten - The Netherlands (2005)
- Management Development Coaching, Monnik Coaching Group - The Netherlands (2004-2005)
- Air Cargo Security Advisor Training, SecuConsult - The Netherlands (2004)
- Threat Imaging Projection (TIP) Training, Rapiscan, London - United Kingdom (2004)
- NVC Training 'eisen aan verpakkingen', Nederlands Verpakkingscentrum, Houten - The Netherlands (2004)
- 'Verzuim en Reïntegratie', TNT Management Training Institute, Houten - The Netherlands (2004)
- TAPA Auditor Training, Technology Asset Protection Association, Rotterdam - The Netherlands (2003)
- Air Cargo Security Advisor Briefing, European Aviation Security Training Institute, Brussels - Belgium (2003)
- 'Basic Aviation Security Course for Security Managers of Regulated Agents', Belgian Civil Aviation Authority, Brussels - Belgium (2003)
- Air Cargo Security Advisor Training, Secuconsult - The Netherlands (2003)
- X-ray Operator Training, SecuConsult - The Netherlands (2003)
- 'Interview Techniques', Schalke & Partners BVBA, Brussels - Belgium (2001)
- Refresher Training for Private Investigators, Belgian Ministry of the Interior, Roeselare - Belgium (2001)
- 'Opleiding tot wettelijk erkend stagebegeleider Wet Privé-detectives', CMO Waasland - Belgium (1999)
- 'Training Management', CEVORA / ANPCB vzw - Belgium (1999)
- Basic Induction Course VIP Protection, Exel Security Close Protection School, Epsom Surrey - United Kingdom (1998)
- Safety and Health Level 3 Training, Ministry of the Flemish Community - Distance learning (1997-1998)
- 'Internet voor privé-detectives', Vormingsinstituut voor de KMO, Roeselare - Belgium (1997)
- First Aid Training, Baron Training Center, Brussels - Belgium (1996)
- Security Officer Training, Baron Training Center, Brussels - Belgium (1996)
- Private Investigator Training, Belgian Ministry of the Interior, Asse - Belgium (1995-1996)
- Typing Course, School-Typ Wijnegem - Belgium (1985-1987)
Seminars (attended)
- 'Why organizations fall victim to known cybersecurity weaknesses', Delft University of Technology - Online webinar (2024)
- 'Third Party's Use of Encrypted Email Services - a Safeguard or a Red Flag?', ACFE Belgium - Virtual event (2024)
- ACFE Fraud Conference Europe, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners - Virtual attendance (2024)
- Webinar 'Wet bescherming klokkenluiders', NautaDutilh - Online event (2023)
- ACFE Fraud Conference Europe, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners - Online event (2023)
- 'De uiteindelijke beoordeling van de strafrechtelijke verantwoordelijkheid van de onderneming en de leidinggevende als sluitstuk van een onderzoek', ACFE Belgium Fraud Awareness Week - Online event (2022)
- 'Phishing & Phone Fraud', ACFE Belgium Fraud Awareness Week - Online event (2022)
- ACC Webinar on the draft Belgian law transposing the EU Whistleblower Directive, ACC Europe in collaboration with Crowell & Moring - Online event (2022)
- 'Whistleblower Protection in Belgium', Simmons & Simmons - Online event (2022)
- Virtual Conference on Business versus Private Ethics, ACFE Belgium - Online event (2021)
- ACC Webinar on Conducting Effective Workplace Investigations, ACC Europe in collaboration with Allen & Overy - Online event (2020)
- Digital Compliance Round Table, KPMG Advisory - Online event (2020)
- Seminar 'Intrinsieke Integriteit', VCO, Amstelveen - The Netherlands (2019)
- 2nd Annual Global Anti-Corruption & Compliance Summit, C-Parity, Amsterdam - The Netherlands (2017)
- Annual International Trade and Compliance Conference, Baker & McKenzie, Amsterdam - The Netherlands (2015)
- CLECAT Freight Forwarders Forum, European Organisation for Forwarding and Logistics, Brussels - Belgium (2012)
- ECSA Information Session on Security Clearances, European Corporate Security Association, Brussels - Belgium (2012)
- TAPA Q4 Meeting, Transported Asset Protection Association, Berlin - Germany (2012)
- Tyco/ADT Global Accounts Customer Advisory Council Meeting, Essen - Germany (2012)
- Transport Security Focus Day, Securitas, Eindhoven - The Netherlands (2012)
- FP7 Security Research Workshop, European Commission, Brussels - Belgium (2012)
- Expert Meeting Privacy, TNT Express, Brussels - Belgium (2011)
- ECSA 2011 Maritime Security Seminar, European Corporate Security Association, Antwerp - Belgium (2011)
- High Level Conference on Protecting Civil Aviation against Terrorism, European Commission, Brussels - Belgium (2011)
- TAPA EMEA TACSS Workshop, Transported Asset Protection Association, Schiphol - The Netherlands (2011)
- TAPA EMEA Q2 Conference, Transported Asset Protection Association, Brussels - Belgium (2011)
- 'Critical Information Infrastructure Protection in Europe and Belgium', Belgian Cybercrime Centre, Brussels - Belgium (2011)
- 22nd ICAO Aviation Security Panel, International Civil Aviation Organisation, Montréal - Canada (2011)
- European Round Table on Security threats in the 21th Century, Centre for European and International Policy Action, European Parliament Brussels - Belgium (2011)
- ECSA Academic Session on Violent Animal Rights Extremism and Violent Extreme Left & Anarchism, European Corporate Security Association, Brussels - Belgium (2011)
- European Round Table on approaches towards global migration policy and action, Centre for European and International Policy Action, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brussels - Belgium (2010)
- ECSA Workshop on protecting against vehicle borne terrorist threats, European Corporate Security Association, Belgian Royal Military Academy Brussels - Belgium (2010)
- ECSA Academic Session DOVO (Belgian Military Bomb Disposal Unit), European Corporate Security Association, Langemark Poelkapelle - Belgium (2010)
- ACN Masterclass Security, Air Cargo Netherlands, Schiphol Airport - The Netherlands (2010)
- TAPA EMEA Q2 Conference, Transported Asset Protection Association, Brighton - United Kingdom (2010)
- Safe Transportation Meeting, Securitas, Truckstop 26bis Zolder - Belgium (2010)
- ECSA Diplomatic Security Conference, European Corporate Security Association, Colonial Palace Tervuren - Belgium (2010)
- European Security Research Conference, Ostend - Belgium (2010)
- Round Table of the Friends of the Belgian EU Presidency, Centre for European and International Policy Action, Brussels - Belgium (2010)
- TAPA EMEA Q1 Conference, Transported Asset Protection Association, Bonn - Germany (2010)
- ECAC 9th Security Forum, European Civil Aviation Conference, Paris - France (2010)
- ECSA Academic Session, European Corporate Security Association, Brussels - Belgium (2009)
- 'Samenleven in Europa', Ghent - Belgium (2009)
- 'Darwin versus God? Creationisme: een reactionair en pseudowetenschappelijk project', Antwerp University, Antwerp - Belgium (2009)
- DANGER Seminar 'Dreiging en Kwetsbaarheid voor (georganiseerde) Criminaliteit', Ghent - Belgium (2009)
- ECSA Academy Visit FN (Fabrique Nationale), European Corporate Security Association, Herstal - Belgium (2009)
- Integrity Conference, TNT Group, Hoofddorp - The Netherlands (2008)
- Counteract Thematic User Group Meeting, COUNTERACT Project, Rome - Italy (2008)
- 'Supply Chain Security Initiatives and Trade Facilitation', ECIPE, Brussels - Belgium (2008)
- 'Fraude binnen de sector Transport en Logistiek', Price Waterhouse Coopers, Ghent - Belgium (2008)
- 'Cargo Crime in the Netherlands', Transported Asset Protection Association, Schiphol - The Netherlands (2008)
- 'De Maakbare Mens: filosofische aspecten', Open University Ghent - Belgium (2008)
- 'Authorized Economic Operator', Flanders Customs Platform, Brussels - Belgium (2007)
- 'Supply Chain Security', World Customs Organisation / European Commission, Amsterdam - The Netherlands (2007)
- '20 jaar Payoke', Payoke vzw, Antwerp - Belgium (2007)
- 'De Impact van AEO op de Goederenstromen', Deloitte Academy, Antwerp - Belgium (2007)
- 'Hoe Fraude in de Onderneming Efficiënt Bestrijden?', Crime Control / Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Antwerp - Belgium (2007)
- CPO Fellowship 2, International Foundation of Protection Officers, Ede - The Netherlands (2006)
- 'Protection of Critical Infrastructure', European Corporate Security Association, Knokke - Belgium (2006)
- '5 jaar na 9/11', Crime Control / European Corporate Security Association, Antwerp - Belgium (2006)
- 'Supply Chain Security', American Society for Industrial Security, Rotterdam - The Netherlands (2005)
- 'Security and IP', Securitas Systems Belgium, Brussels - Belgium (2005)
- 'The Terrorist Threat in a European Perspective', European Corporate Security Association, Brussels - Belgium (2005)
- 'Nieuwe Ontwikkelingen in de Opsporing', Center for Police Studies, Asse - Belgium (2005)
- 'Bestrijding en Preventie van Criminaliteit', Air Cargo Netherlands, Schiphol - The Netherlands (2005)
- 'De Strijd tegen het Terrorisme: hoe werken overheid en bedrijfsleven samen', Federal Justice Department, Brussels - Belgium (2005)
- 'Employee Screening' Session, TNT Express / Utrecht Police Department, Houten - The Netherlands (2004)
- 'Beveiliging in het Vrachtvervoer', Benelux Interuniversitaire Vereniging van Vervoerseconomen, Antwerp - Belgium (2004)
- Joint ASIS - OSAC Conference, American Society for Industrial Security / Overseas Security Advisory Council, Antwerp - Belgium (2004)
- 'Publiek-Private Samenwerking inzake Veiligheid', Antwerp Police Academy - Belgium (2003)
- 'The Terrorist Threat in Europe', American Society for Industrial Security, Antwerp - Belgium (2003)
- 'Inbeslagneming en Verbeurdverklaring in Strafzaken', Institute Forensic Auditors, Brussels - Belgium (2003)
- 'Theorie en Praktijk van de Private Opsporing', Maklu Meetings, Antwerp - Belgium (2002)
- Customs Platform Security, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Brussels - Belgium (2002)
- 'Security 1950-2050', American Society for Industrial Security, Santpoort-Noord - The Netherlands (2002)
- 'The Growing Pains of a Hacker', Belgacom, Brussels - Belgium (2001)
- 'Crime Costs, Prevention Pays', International Society of Crime Prevention Practitioners, Antwerp - Belgium (2001)
- 'Internet at Work', VEV SDWorx, Antwerp - Belgium (2001)
- 'Outsourcing van Security', Prebes vzw, Antwerp Police Academy - Belgium (2001)
- 'Internationalisatie en Anti-globalisme', American Society for Industrial Security, Antwerp - Belgium (2001)
- 'Private Veiligheid', Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven - Belgium (2001)
- 'De Informatiemaatschappij', Royal Academy, Brussels - Belgium (2000)
- 'Bedwing Shoplifting', Crime Control, Leuven - Belgium (2000)
- Expert Meeting 'Drug Testing', Crime Control, Leuven - Belgium (2000)
- 'Veiligheid en Justitieel Beleid', Free University of Brussels, Brussel - Belgium (2000)
- ASIS Europe 2000 Conference, American Society for Industrial Security, Helsinki - Finland (2000)
- 'Onderneming, e-Mail, Surfen en Privacy', Maklu Meetings, Antwerp - Belgium (2000)
- 'Criminologie 2000, en verder....', Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven - Belgium (2000)
- Security Know-how Seminar, Prosecco, Antwerp - Belgium (1999)
- 'Security als Facility', Faceo, Antwerp - Belgium (1999)
- 'Recente Ontwikkelingen in Informatica- en Telecommunicatierecht', Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven - Belgium (1999)
- 'De Reorganisatie van het Politiewezen', Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven - Belgium (1999)
- Health and Safety Conference, Hays plc, Daventry - United Kingdom (1999)
- 'Justitie - Netwerkpartner in Welzijns- en Ambulante Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg', Free University of Brussels, Brussels - Belgium (1998)
- 'Eenheidspolitie', Free University of Brussels, Brussels - Belgium (1998)
- 'Het politieverhoor', Ghent University / Free University of Brussels / Catholic University of Leuven - Belgium (1998)
- 'Liberale Visies op Veiligheid en Politie', Antwerp - Belgium (1998)
- ASIS Benelux Fall Meeting Security Management, Risk Management and Facility Management, American Society for Industrial Security (1998)
Academic career
- Academic Advisor Ghent University Faculty of Law and Criminology, Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law (2022-2025)
- Academic Advisor Ghent University Faculty of Law and Criminology, Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law (2019-2022)
- Visiting Professor KU Leuven Faculty of Law, Leuven Institute of Criminology (2017-2018)
- Academic Advisor Ghent University Faculty of Law and Criminology, Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law (2016-2019)
- Academic Advisor Ghent University Faculty of Law, Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law (2014-2016)
- Visiting Professor Ghent University Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology (2014)
- Postdoctoral Researcher Ghent University Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology (2013)
- Free Postdoctoral Researcher Ghent University Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology (2012-2013)
- Academic Advisor Ghent University Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology (2009-2012)
- Academic Advisor Ghent University Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology (2006-2009)
- Guest Lecturer Antwerp University Management School (2001-2006)
- Free Research Fellow KU Leuven Faculty of Law, Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and Information Technology (1999-2002)
Professional career
- Manager Legal Compliance and Integrity FedEx Express Europe, International Head Office Amsterdam (2019-to date)
- Global Head of Business Ethics TNT Express, Corporate Head Office Amsterdam (2015-2019)
- Global Head of Business Ethics and Investigations TNT Express, Corporate Head Office Amsterdam (2013-2015)
- Regional Head of Security TNT Express Northern Europe and North America, Regional Head Office Brussels (2011-2013)
- Regional Head of Security TNT Express Central Eastern Europe, Regional Head Office Brussels (2009-2011)
- Head of Security, Safety, Health and Environment TNT Express Benelux (2009)
- Head of Security TNT Express Benelux (2008-2009)
- Manager Security Compliance and Development TNT Express Benelux (2005-2008)
- Manager Security Support TNT Express Benelux (2003-2005)
- Security Manager TNT Express Belux (2002-2003)
- Crime Risk Management Consultant Schalke & Partners BV, Breda Office (2001-2002)
- Corporate Investigator Schalke & Partners BVBA, Antwerp Office (1997-2001)
- Security Officer Baron Security NV (1995-1997)
Public functions
- President Board of Management CEIPA, Centre for European and International Policy Action (2010-2011)
- Security Committee Chairman EEA, European Express Association (2010)
- Vice-Chairman CFIB, Corporate Fraud Investigators Belgium (2003-2006)
- Review Committee Member CORE Project, European Commission co-funded research and demonstration project on logistics and global supply chain security (2014-2018)
- Chairman Independent Peer Review Group ANNA, EU Member State driven initiative to support the effective and sustainable development of National Maritime Single Windows in line with EC Directive 2010/65/EU (2014-2015)
- EEA representative LANDSEC Advisory Group, European Commission DG MOVE (2013)
- EEA representative SAGAS (Security Advisory Group on Aviation Security), European Commission DG MOVE (2006-2013)
- Steering Committee member DANGER Project, Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (2008-2011)
- Member Editorial Board CEJISS, Metropolitan University Prague (2008-2021)
- Security, Safety & Dangerous Goods Committee Member BAFI, Belgian Airfreight Institute (2007-2009)
- Council member ECSA, European Corporate Security Association (2006-2013)
- Security Committee member EEA, European Express Association (2006-2013)
- ACFE - Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (2020-to date)
- TAPA EMEA - Transported Asset Protection Association (2010-2013)
- SKEPP - Studiekring voor Kritische Evaluatie van Pseudo-wetenschap en het Paranormale (2009-2011)
- VEWA - Vereniging voor Educatieve en Wetenschappelijke Auteurs (2008-to date)
- WGL - Wijsgerig Gezelschap Leuven (2006-2013)
- ECSA - European Corporate Security Association (2005-2013)
- NVK - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kriminologie (2004-2010)
- IFA - Institute Forensic Auditors (2003-2010)
- CFIB - Corporate Fraud Investigators Belgium (2003-2008)
- ASC - American Society of Criminology (1999-2001)
- ASIS International - American Society for Industrial Security (1998-2008)
- ASIS Benelux - American Society for Industrial Security (1998-2008)
- KGB - Kriminologisch Genootschap Brussel (1997-1999)
Expert assignments
- Contracted Expert, European Commission Research Executive Agency (2015-2018)
- Observer CEN/BT Taskforce 199 Supply Chain Security, European Committee for Standardization (2008-2010)
- Member CEN Expert Group Supply Chain Security, European Committee for Standardization (2006)
Teaching assignments
- 'Private Veiligheidszorg', KU Leuven Faculty of Law - Belgium (Visiting Professor - 2017-2018)
- 'Selected Issues: Organised Crime', Ghent University Faculty of Law - Belgium (Visiting Professor - 2014)
- 'Security in the Logistics Chain', High Studies Police, Justice & Corporate Security - Belgium (Guest Lecturer - 2011)
- 'Security Programmes in the International Supply Chain', Securitas Training - Belgium (Guest Lecturer - 2007)
- 'Inleiding op de Wetgeving Private Beveiliging en Private Opsporing', Faceo Security Academy - Belgium (Guest Lecturer - 2006)
- 'Executive Class Forensic Auditing', Universiteit Antwerpen Management School - Belgium (Guest Lecturer - 2002-2006)
- 'Master in Forensic Auditing', Universiteit Antwerpen Management School - Belgium (Guest Lecturer - 2001-2002)
- 'Computer Crime', Karel de Grote Hogeschool Antwerpen - Belgium (Guest Lecturer - 2001)
- 'Update ICT law', KU Leuven Faculty of Law - Belgium (Guest Lecturer - 2000)
- 'Employee Crime', BOC (Bewakingsopleidingscentrum) Antwerpen - Belgium (Guest Lecturer - 1998-1999)
- 'Capita Selecta Security', Free University of Brussels - Belgium (Guest Lecturer - 1998-1999)
Review assignments
- Routledge Criminology and Criminal Justice (2024)
- Tijdschrift voor Criminologie (2024)
- European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research (2023)
- Palgrave Criminology (2016-2021)
- Cahiers Politiestudies (2014-2023)
- Security Journal (2013-2021)
- Panopticon (2009)
- Central European Journal of International and Security Studies (2009-2019)
- European Journal of Intelligence Studies (2006-2008)
- ANNA - European Maritime Single Window (2013) - EU Commission and Member States driven and funded initiative to support the effective and sustainable development of National Maritime Single Windows (Postdoctoral Researcher)
- LOGSEC (2010-2011) - Study funded by the European Commission under the 7th RTD Framework Programme with the aim of developing a roadmap for a large scale demonstration project on supply chain security (Independent Advisor to the Cross-border Research Association)
- COUNTERACT (2006-2009) - Project funded by the Directorate-General Transport and Energy of the European Commission under the 6th RTD Framework Programme set up to improve security against terrorist attacks aimed at public passenger transport, intermodal freight transport and energy production and transmission infrastructure (Independent Reseacher)
- 'Criminelen en de politionele aanpak ervan' (2001) - Study conducted by Ghent University on behalf of the Belgian Federal Policy ('Generale Staf van de Rijkswacht') with the aim of identifying and classifying investigative methods and techniques used by public law enforcement agencies and private investigators (Research Assistant)
- 'Situational Crime Prevention in the International Supply Chain', Optimit AEO Conference, Antwerp - Belgium (2013)
- 'Supply Chain Security in het 'post 9/11' tijdperk', Prebes vzw, Genk - Belgium (2013)
- 'Air Cargo Security in the Express Delivery Sector', TAPA EMEA Q2 Conference, Brussels - Belgium (2011)
- 'Air Cargo Security', TNT Business Diner, Antwerp - Belgium (2011)
- 'EU Air Cargo Security Briefing', NEA Conference European Express Association, Brussels - Belgium (2010)
- 'Better Security drives better business', TNT Management Conference, Karlovy Vary - Czech Republic (2010)
- 'Effectiveness and spill-over effects of supply chain security measures', EU Counteract Meeting, Brussels - Belgium (2009)
- 'Effectiveness and potential spill-over effects of supply chain security', EU Counteract Meeting, Prague - Czech Republic (2008)
- 'Air Cargo Security and AEO', TNT Business Seminar, Ghent - Belgium (2008)
- 'Integrating Supply Chain Security', World Class Manufacturing in Flanders, Antwerp - Belgium (2008)
- 'International Supply Chain Security Programmes', IFA Seminar, Brussels - Belgium (2007)
- 'Security and the Logistics Chain', Cargo Workshop Dutch Customs, Amsterdam - The Netherlands (2007)
- 'Private veiligheid in beweging: over actuele tendensen en ontwikkelingen', Uitgeverij Politeia, Brussels - Belgium (2006)
- 'Introduction to ICT Security', Institute for International Research, Brussels - Belgium (2002)
- 'Internal Fraud', Expert Meeting Crime Control, Leuven - Belgium (2000)
- 'Private investigations in a business environment', SECURA, Brussels - Belgium (1999)
- Haelterman, H. (2023). Bruggen bouwen tussen wetenschap en praktijk. In F. Lenjou & J. Maes (Eds.), Criminologen over de private veiligheidssector (pp. 94-101). Antwerpen-'s Hertogenbosch: Gompel & Svacina
- Haelterman, H. (2022). Script Analysis for Security Professionals: Past, Present and Future. In M. Gill (Ed.), The Handbook of Security (pp. 539-558). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
- Haelterman, H. (2022). Breaking Silos of Legal and Regulatory Risks to Outperform Traditional Compliance Approaches. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 28(1), 19-36
- Haelterman, H. (2020). Hard, soft or situational controls? Bridging the gap between security, compliance and internal control. Security Journal, 33, 636–656
- Haelterman, H. (2019). Criminals: Suggestions to Improve Security Procedures. In L. Shapiro & M.H. Maras (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management. Cham: Springer
- Haelterman, H. (2016). Crime Script Analysis: Preventing Crimes against Business. London: Palgrave Macmillan
- Haelterman, H. (2015). Economics of Security in het Bedrijfsleven. Orde van de Dag, 71, 58-66
- Haelterman, H. (2013). Situational Crime Prevention and Supply Chain Security. Theory for Best Practice (CRISP Report). Alexandria: ASIS Foundation Research Council (free download available)
- Haelterman, H. (2012). Het Laatste Woord. Preventie blijft Maatwerk. Private Veiligheid, 54, 48
- Haelterman, H., Callens, M., & Vander Beken, T. (2012). Controlling Access to Pick-up and Delivery Vans: the Cost of Alternative Measures. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 18(2), 163-182
- Haelterman, H. (2011). Re-thinking the Cost of Supply Chain Security. Crime, Law and Social Change, 56(4), 389-405
- Cools, M., Haelterman, H., Matthijs, H., & Van Calster, P. (2009). It's about intelligence stupid: the launching of the European Journal of Intelligence Studies. In M. Cools, H. Haelterman, H. Matthijs & P. Van Calster (Eds.), European Journal of Intelligence Studies. Capita Selecta (pp. 1-3). Antwerp-Oxford-Portland: Intersentia
- Cools, M., Haelterman, H., Matthijs, H., & Van Calster, P. (2009). European Journal of Intelligence Studies. Capita Selecta. Antwerp-Oxford-Portland: Intersentia
- Haelterman, H. (2009). Situational Crime Prevention and Supply Chain Security: an 'Ex Ante' Consideration of Preventive Measures. Journal of Applied Security Research, 4(4), 483-500
- Haelterman, H. (2009). Beveiligingslabels in het goederenvervoer. Private Veiligheid, 40, 14-17
- Colpin, N., & Haelterman, H. (2008). Customs' role in managing security at the EU's external borders: a risk management and intelligence approach. European Journal of Intelligence Studies, 2, 87-98
- Haelterman, H. (2002). Over reguleren en overregulering: particuliere recherche in België. In VBN Jubileum Jaarboek 1962-2002 (pp. 96-105). Noord-Scharwoude: Elma Edities
- Mulkers, J., & Haelterman, H. (2001). Privé-detectives. Theorie en praktijk van de private opsporing. Antwerpen-Apeldoorn: Maklu Uitgeverij
- Haelterman, H. (2001). Criminology, Information Technology and (Employee) Computer Crime. In J. Dumortier, F. Robben & M. Taeymans (Eds.), A Decade of Research @ the Crossroads of Law and ICT (pp. 119-126). Brussel: Larcier
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